Information Security in the IT

Lecture at the DILK event by Dr. Werner Degenhardt

The DILK event

The DILK (Deutscher IT-Leiter Kongress) event is Germany’s largest specialist congress for IT managers and takes place regularly in Düsseldorf. At the congress, prominent speakers offer interesting lectures and exciting workshops for IT managers who want to advance digitisation and to design the IT structure of their company in a modern and secure way. In between the sessions and talks, there is time for water cooler conversations and for break outs – there is always the opportunity for networking and exchange between peers.

The DILK 2019 event at its core concerned itself with digitization, networking, the potential of artificial intelligence, cloud computing, information, data and cyber security, leadership strategies and the shortage of skilled workers.

DILK 2019 was attended by 1400 participants, and the next date is already fixed: from 28 to 30 September 2020 – also in Düsseldorf.

Dr. Werner Degenhardt: Human Factors in Information Security – Phishing

Bearing responsibility in IT means not only keeping the technology running, but also taking care of the people who operate and use the technology.

“Phishing” is currently the most important attack vector on information security. Dr. Degenhardt of Code and Concept illustrated in his talk “Psychology in IT – why people fall for phishing” how phishing has long since become stable source of income for organized crime.

In phishing attacks, employees unintentionally become accomplices of the attackers: in more than 95% of all successful cyber attacks, the behavior of the operator or user is the cause and prerequisite for the success of the attack.

Imprudent behavior of employees with regard to information security and data protection is the most significant and most serious threat to security. The lecture was addressed to all IT managers who want to counter this threat.

People make mistakes

Humans are the weakest link in the security chain.  Phishing mails are not recognized, content and structure of the mails tempt employees to go to infected websites, enter login data into web forms and open dangerous attachments. Dr. Werner Degenhardt explained vividly and comprehensively – even incorporating the live audience – how humans function, how phishing e-mails can be recognized, and which possibilities sensitization campaign and trainings offer us to improve the behavior of employees.

Dr. Werner Degenhardt was Academic Director of the Faculty of Psychology and Education at the Ludwig Maximilian University in Munich. His research focuses on human factors in information security, social relationships online and human computer interaction.

Since 2018, Dr. Werner Degenhardt has been in charge of information security and data protection at Code and Concept and conducts awareness-raising campaigns, trainings and courses for companies and public institutions to harden the human firewall.