Press & Publications

Selected articles and technical papers on our topics, services and technologies.


Publication List

Articles, presentations and reports:

Collaboration Technologies, Information Security and co3 tools

Since the foundation of Code and Concept in 2007, we have gained a reputation for expertise in Novell collaboration technologies like Vibe, GroupWise and Filr, and successfully completed numerous Germany- and EU-based projects.

Consequently, we are regular speakers at conferences and occasionally author articles in specialist journals. Over the last years, we provided a lot of information material and articles and our work has been acknowledged in others’ publications as well. Today, we’d like to give you an overview of the literature available:

Publication List

Articles, presentations and reports:

collaboration technologies, information security and co3 tools

Since the foundation of Code and Concept in 2007, we have gained a reputation for expertise in Novell collaboration technologies like Vibe, GroupWise and Filr, and successfully completed numerous Germany- and EU-based projects.

Consequently, we are regular speakers at conferences and occasionally author articles in specialist journals. Over the last years, we provided a lot of information material and articles and our work has been acknowledged in others’ publications as well. Today, we’d like to give you an overview of the literature available:

OpenText Vibe

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OpenText Vibe (formerly known as Micro Focus Vibe / Novell Vibe / Teaming / Vibe onPrem)

Open Horizons Summit 2017 (04/2017)
  • “Protect your Home! The Personal Workspace in Vibe – safe, secure and spiffy” (Materials on Request)*
  • “Frankenfile – re-|animate your data with Vibe! (no high voltage needed)” (Materials on Request)*
Open Horizons Summit 2015 (04/2015)
  • “Vibe – Hudson” (Materials on Request)*
  • “Vibe Use Cases: The Ugly, The Bad, The Good – a mostly hands-off lab” (Materials on Request)*
TTP EMEA Conference (03/2015) & TTP BrainShare Summit (11/2014)
  • “Let Vibe awaken your inner MacGyver! Build your own academic use case with Novell’s Swiss Army Knife” (Materials on Request)*
BrainShare Technical Tutorial (11/2014)
Novell Portfolio Update – Customer Event (10/2014):
  • “Vibe und Filr – Two strong solutions from Novell‘s Collaboration and File family” (Materials on Request)*
#e20muc meetup #e20 Double Feature – Platforms for the Enterprise 2.0 (II+III): (05/2014):
Open Horizons Summit 2014 Hotlabs: (04/2014):
  • Hotlab “Vibe – Landing Pages” (Materials on Request)*
  • Hotlab “Fitting Novell Vibe to Your Requirements ” (Materials on Request)*
TTP EMEA Conference Sessions : (02/2014):
  • Hands-On Lab “Vibe Landing Pages” (Materials on Request)*
  • “You, Vibe and the Novell Collaboration Landscape – Successes, Possibilities, Roadmap and More” (Materials on Request)*
GWAVACon EMEA Sessions (09/2013):
N-AWS Conference Session (09/2013):
  • “Novell Vibe an Hochschulen – Projektbericht von der LMU München” (Materials on Request)*
LMU Success Story of Novell Vibe and ShareOnVibe (06/2013):
BrainShare Session (02/2013):
  • “Customer Showcase: Novell Vibe Use Cases“ (Materials on Request)
Novell Community Chat (11/2012):
TTP Summit – openSUSE Conference Session (10/2012):
  • “Vibe in 2012” (Materials on Request)*
TTP Conference EMEA Session (03/2012):
  • “I have Vibe! Now … What do I do with it?” (Materials on Request)*
Cool Solutions Online Article (12/2011):
BrainShare Session (10/2011):
TTP Conference USA Session (07/2011):
  • “Vibe OnPrem @ LMU F11” (Materials on Request)*
Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt & Christian Giese in LANLine Magazine (04/2010):

*Material provision attached to conditions. Please contact us for further information.

OpenText GroupWise

Click here to learn more

Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt & Christian Giese in LANLine Magazine (04/2009):

Information Security

Click here to learn more

The campaign presented as part of a press conference convened by the City of Kiel was well received by the public press (German):

ShareOnVibe and others

Click here to learn more

ShareOnVibe and others

Open Horizons Summit 2017 (04/2017)
  • “ShareOnVibe and beyond: Get a better Vibe with Code and Concept’s new range of ‘co3tools’” (Materials on Request)*
GWAVACon EMEA Session (09/2013):
GWAVACon EMEA Session (10/2012):
Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt in the Open Horizons Magazine #19 (Q3 2012):

OpenText Filr (form. Novell / MF Filr)

Click here to learn more

Novell Portfolio Update – Customer Event (10/2014):
  • “Vibe und Filr – Two strong solutions from Novell‘s Collaboration and File family” (Materials on Request)*
Novell Filr information event for customers (07/2014):
  • “Novell Filr – Sicheres, flexibles und mobiles Arbeiten mit Dateien (Working with files securely, flexibly and mobile)” (Materials [only in German] on Request)*
Article by Dr. Werner Degenhardt & Christian Giese in LANLine Magazine (09/2013):

OpenText Teaming (form. MF / Novell Teaming)

Click here to learn more

Press Review

Code and Concept in the press

OpenText Vibe at the University Hospital of Munich (KUM) in the Open Horizons Magazine