Manage identities and permissions

Manage identities and access permissions, compliance, easy and secure resource access.

During ongoing work, it is always necessary to create new employee identities, to edit or finally shut down. In addition, compliance, compliance with legal, internal and contractual regulations must be guaranteed. Good identity and access management (IAM) is needed to enforce integrated IAM policies across local, mobile, and cloud environments.

Authorization and Identity Management


Divi Ships with a tone of great premade layouts to get you started with a homepage, a portfolio, an eCommerce Storefront, and much more! Check out the theme demo to preview a few of these premade layouts. We’ve even realeased layout packs along the way for portfolios and business focused websites.


Access Control

The tension between business and security interests is exacerbated by the legal component: the compliance must in all circumstances be harmonized and guaranteed with the legal requirements. This requires efficient access control that limits access to data to those who need it.

An identity and access management system also ensures compliance with important contractual, legal and company-relevant regulations such as data protection, data availability, information security and data retention.

Resource Access

Business situations change often and quickly, and then you are in the delicate position of quickly granting or quickly removing access to IT resources to internal and external employees. Give users quick and secure access to required resources!

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