Micro Focus Vibe 4.0.6 ist veröffentlicht und via Patch Finder erhältlich.
Folgende Issues sind gefixt:
1127386 -Unable to delete specific task.
1129788 -„HTTP Status 403 – Forbidden“ when setting an entry as Wiki Home Page.
1129789 -Setting the „file status“ does not work any more
1129791 -Survey questions are not saved when creating and saving a survey
1129799 -Stopping a workflow shows invalid CSRF
1129800 -Cannot Edit Descriptions on Discussion & Team Workspaces
1130363 -HTTP 403 error when trying to set/unset the Reserve Entry flag.
1130439 -Blank Guest login page occurs after an update from Vibe 4.0.5 to 4.0.6
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