Das Micro Focus Vibe Entwickler-Team hat den Vibe Fans zu gehört, die neue Version Vibe 4.0.6 fertig gestellt und dabei ganze Arbeit geleistet.
Ebenfalls released sind neue Versionen vom Vibe Desktop Client, dem Vibe Add-in for Office und dem Vibe Edit-In-Place-Feature.
Neuerungen in Vibe 4.0.6
Unsere TOP 3:
- TinyMCE 4.9.2 (Hooray!)
- A re-sizable navigation panel (Hooray! Hooray!)
- Faster Tomcat startup (6 times faster! Hooray, once more! 🙂 )
Die gesamte Liste an Features:
- Architecture component updates and changes:
- KeyView 12.1
- OpenJDK 11
- TinyMCE 4.9.2
- A Refurbished Android app that must be newly installed
- The iOS app is also refurbished but does not require a new installation.
- Workflow viewer refinements.
- A sizable navigation panel
- Manage-database script enhancements that automate setting the JAVA Path.
- Improvements to Edit-in-Place so that it now works with the MS Office Add-in.
- Faster Tomcat startup
- Guest user’s default language is now set based on the browser being used.
- Vibe video streaming now works in the Safari browser.
- Architecture component updates and changes:
Bug Fixes in Vibe 4.0.6
- 1077185 Copy calendar entry does not generate new uid
- 1104253 Single State with Looping transition not displayed correctly in the viewer
- 1106475 Cannot Create Workspace by Copying Existing Workspace for specific Vibe Implementation
- 1107868 Workflow Design Viewer not longer supports Zoom in/out
- 1107907 Parallel Workflow arrows not showing
- 1108798 Unable to view video files on any iOS based device
- 1110327 Errors during upgrade process
- 1111650 The migration process from kablink 4.0.1 to Vibe 4.0.1 does not work
- 1112414 Unable to reset Form/View Designers
- 1116769 Can’t change fonts with IE when creating/modifying a blog
- 1119071 Close button not visible when editing entries or files
- 1119446 MSURI/Edit this File does not work with NAM Integration after upgrade to 4.0.5
- 1119712 Internet Explorer and Edge do not display the arrows in the Workflow Preview screen
- 1121088 Vibe 4.0.5 customer has a problem with JSP’s talking to Vibe and getting a code page cp1256 error
- 1123396 Adding JDK path to manage-database scripts
- 1123397 Cannot Expand Workspace Tree under WS or Folder Form/View Designer
- 1123409 Single State Workflow Loop needs adjusting
Bitte kontaktieren Sie uns, falls Sie Beratung bzw. Unterstützung bei der Planung und Installation benötigen. Wir helfen Ihnen gerne weiter.