We are LUCY partners!
Consulting, support, licenses and support



Lucy Security is the leading privacy-compliant solution for testing, training, education, and monitoring the security behaviour of employees using the Internet.

With LUCY, companies can assume the role of a fictitious attacker (phishing simulation) and identify gaps in both technical infrastructure and human security awareness – and eliminate these gaps through a comprehensive e-learning feature. Lucy can be installed inside the organisation’s network (on-premise). No data leaves the organisation, nothing is transferred to the cloud, the organisation (and also the staff council/workers council) have complete control over the processing of data that is worthy of rigorous protection.

Phishing simulations provide a secure learning environment in which employees can experience how they would react to real cyber attacks. Phishing simulations generate awareness of email and Internet threats and make employees receptive to training and education.

Lucy has an integrated learning management system (LMS) with over 200 interactive training and education modules. Lucy e-learning can be made available to employees in a flexible manner, independently of running a phishing simulation and even offline. An integrated authoring system and a SCORM interface make it easy to integrate new content that is specifically tailored to the needs of your organization.

Lucy’s testing tools help you determine how safe your information infrastructure is from cyber attacks.

From an attacker’s perspective you can observe:

  • the weak points of your mail and web infrastructure as well as the application programs on the computers of your employees,
  • the information about your organization on the Internet and on the dark web, which a hacker also uses to prepare his attack.

Help is only useful if it’s available right when you need it! Lucy’s emergency button (plugin for Outlook, Gmail and Office365) reminds employees that email is an unsafe thing and tells them in seconds if a dubious-looking email is really dangerous.

With little effort for users and IT-Service desk…

  • suspicious mail is automatically analyzed,
  • Users caution is rewarded,
  • and training/education measures are integrated.

Code and Concept is a certified Lucy Eco-System Partner and supports you in planning, implementing and operating Lucy in your organization through

  • Consulting and Workshops
  • Handling the licensing of Lucy
  • technical support
  • Planning and implementation of awareness-raising campaigns
  • penetration tests

Please do feel free to contact us! – Together with you, we will identify your needs and define the next steps. Our Human Factors specialist Dr. Werner Degenhardt is the right man for you to talk to!