A new version of Micro Focus Vibe is available in the Customer Center. Vibe 4.0.4 includes for the most part security updates and bug fixes.
Also available in the Micro Focus download area is a new version of Vibe Desktop (4.0.4) as well as the Vibe Add-in 4.0.4 for Microsoft Office.
Read more about What’s New in Vibe 4.0.4 and the Bug Fixes in Vibe 4.0.4.
Bug Fixes in Vibe 4.0.4
1025937 Mirrored Folders not syncing – Oracle Database 11g
1037666 Vibe will not sync with eDirectory 9
1038897 If the export of a workspace results in a .zip file larger than 4GB, the .zip file will be corrupted
1039381 LDAP sync halts on empty attribute values
1039466 Files attached to a folder are no longer accessible when using Markup
1039543 Andriod App does not allow going to next page in file folder
1040431 Desktop client randomly stops synchronizing some files
1042971 “Edit in Place” keeps asks for permission to run for _every_ File
1043315 Entry type changes if item is copied
1043528 Workflow access rights problems
1044366 No search results are displayed
1047249 Using Vibe markup to create a link to a new (nonexisting) entry seems to be broken
1048599 KeyShield SSO Edit applet not working with error “java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.kablink.teaming.applets.fileopen.FileOpenâ€
1050531 Folder settings are being lost when copying a folder
1050533 Folder settings are being lost when exporting and importing a folder
1051287 Unable to login after Vibe 4.x server migration
1053014 Section markup (==section title==) is not working correctly on blog folders
1053453 German translation of “Version Files” button is wrong when dragging a file into a Vibe folder
1055111 Invalid RPC token error when Vibe 4.0.3 is in cluster setup
1055626 Copying an entry from one discussion folder to another restores deleted comments in destination folder
1058534 Adding an attachment to an entry fails via REST
1058745 Copying a Blog folder with entries that have same file attachments Fails with SQL Error
1059848 Set default for edit in place to use MS URI
1063702 Admin unable to login after upgrade 1064707 Calendar Summary accessory not working correctly – not able to navigate calendar as expected
1065054 The Ideas Portal link in Vibe points to the wrong URL
1066183 Accessory panel configured with search query does not display results
1067252 Error indexing entry: java.lang.ClassCastException and various other exceptions
1069995 CSIR database issues. Oracle DB.
1070430 Groups in Vibe show members that are not member in the eDirectory group
1071331 File Duplication during file sync with a Mirrored Folder
1073173 MAC Vibe Desktop Crashes on macOS High Sierra 10.13.2
1075287 Mirrored Folder Sync problem – Failed to process entity with path
Of course, we’ll be happy to assist in keeping your Vibe installation up to date.
From what we have already tested, especially the new behaviour of the new edit-in-place functionality for “Edit this file” using MSURI may be unexpected after this upgrade.
Feel free to contact us for more information on these details or the fixed issues and in case you need support with planning and applying this update. We are looking forward to helping you.
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