Spring is here, everything is full of new energy! Let’s get you up to date on recent developments and latest topics.

Security and Phishing Awareness are more of a hot topic than ever, it seems. We are able to offer you some links to interesting articles and talks around those topics, but of course we also offer our services .

In our current Use Case Spotlight we demonstrate how to process the booking of resources for employees – such as company vehicles – with Micro Focus Vibe in an uncomplicated way – being transparent, semi-automated and simplified. The same principle is applicable to every internal booking process in your organisation: from renting work equipment to company-internal childcare facilities. In short: everything that requires more than blocking a resource by creating a simple calendar entry.

Security / Pishing

Strengthening the “Human Firewall”

We want to draw your attention to the interesting article Fisherman´s Foe by Dr. Werner Degenhardt from the March issue of “<kes> – Die Zeitschrift für Informations-Sicherheit” (German magazine for information security) about this topic (unfortunately, the article is only directly available in German).

Dr. Degenhardt from Code and Concept also gave a talk on this topic at the Security Day 2018 at Leibniz Supercomputing Centre of the Bavarian Academy of Sciences and Humanities and attended the „Denkwerkstatt sichere Informationsgesellschaft 2018“ (“Ideas workshop for secure information society 2018”) of the German Federal Office for Information Security (Übersetzung von: https://www.bsi.bund.de/EN) in Potsdam on invitation; results of this event will be published in the future.

As an entry point to the topics of Security and Phishing Awareness, why don’t you check out the topic “Security” on our website.


Use Case Spotlight – Micro Focus Vibe

The Challenge

The challenge here was to improve the booking of company vehicles for employees in a larger organisation, which until then was an inherently impractical and error-prone process.

A large German research center was looking for a practical solution for the booking of company vehicles from the internal fleet across locations.
Until the implementation of the new, and Vibe-based solution, the selection, reservation and booking of the vehicles were performed manually. Unfortunately, the employees couldn’t reliably check the vehicle’s availability beforehand at a central point, and this led to delays and conflicts, due to confusion around choice of cars or dates and other mistakes.

The solution

The solution is a transparent, semi-automated, simplified booking process.

Elements from the basic functionality of Micro Focus Vibe – in combination with a few, specially designed “workflow adjustments” – allows easy and frictionless booking of company vehicles. The central booking calendar is now visible for the employee – they select the “free” car of their choice, set the booking dates and send off the booking request form.
Until approval, the entry is not visible for other users – but after that, it appears as “booked” in the central booking calendar and every person involved in the booking process receives an e-mail notification about the process.

The Micro Focus Vibe booking process is  generally applicable for every imaginable resource booking in companies or organisation of every size, where the process requires approval or other intermediate steps before finalization- for example for:

  • Specialized rooms like video conference rooms
  • Company vehicles
  • Specialty tools and equipment
  • Projectors & laptops
  • Interpreters or other special function staff, internal and external
  • Childcare facilities

Get informed about the advantages of Vibe as a platform for your use cases, and convince yourself of the ease and accessibility of implementing them. Just get in touch, and we will talk about your sue case – and maybe your solution will be one of our Use Case Spotlights in the future!